Скачать Обновление CSS - Patch v1807769 (v80) из категории CS:S | Патчи, бесплатно и без регистрации
Сегодня, 26.06.13 вышло очередное обновление для Counter-Strike: Source. Список изменений и нововведений можно найти в полной новости. А сам патч для но-стим клиентов находится чуть ниже. Вам необходимо его скачать и распаковать в папку со своей пираткой. Работоспособность патча проверена мною лично.
Список изменений: Added "Only allow map files" to the possible selections in the download filter option for clients Network interpolation and update convars can no longer be changed when playing. To configure these convars, players must not be connected to a server or must join the spectators. Fixed a client crash related to the material system Fixed a client crash when downloading custom maps for the Mac version Fixed browser cookies not persisting across game restarts Fixed the in-game UI not using the Language setting from the game's Properties dialog in the Steam UI Fixed the game failing to launch on Mac OS X 10.5 Fixed mat_viewportupscale using an error material for clients using DirectX8 Removed range restrictions from viewmodel_fov_demo Updated the Linux version: Fixed triggers never registering as "released" on certain game controllers Fixed clipboard issues on some window managers, most notably KDE Fixed a bug where the map list would be reversed Made loading custom fonts for third party HUDs work on certain fonts Improved performance and stability
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